No More Back Pain

February 11th, 2010

How does the Healing Spectrums work?Ann had been having some back problems for a while. After the group session she briefly felt some heat in the area of the problem and then slight pain , which then subsided. After several weeks she reports that she has had no more back pain or distress.


February 9th, 2010

“I have had a history of debilitating migraine headaches for many years. I started to feel one coming on and decided to use a small amount of Thomas’ water on my head and was relieved to find that the head pressure didn’t escalate any further. Ordinarily, it would have turned into a full blown migraine. I don’t know how this really works but I’m glad it works for me.” — KF, Teacher, Alabama

Distance Sessions Work During Sleep

February 5th, 2010

“I had chronic ankle pain due to working in an auto manufacturing plant and walking on concrete for most of my life. After a long-distance session, that actually took place while I was asleep, I woke up and had no pain in my ankles or anywhere else, for that matter. And, I was able to enjoy working outdoors all morning with my brother–all without a lick of pain. This really works.” — CF, Mechanic, Lexington, MO

“I Could Only Sit for 20 Minutes”

January 28th, 2010

“My back had gotten so painful that I could only sit for 20 minutes before having to get up, lie on the floor, and stretch it out. Then I could go for another 20 minutes. After my session I felt something shift in my back and I completely forgot that I had had any pain at all. I sat for at least another 8 hours working without any back pain or stiffness at all!” — Walt I, Business Owner, Chicago

The Pain Never Returned

January 26th, 2010

Knee ImageDuring the group session, it became clear to me that there was some deep distress in Ken’s knees where I noticed the brilliant blue spectrums beginning to appear. During the session Ken said that he had briefly felt the pain in his knees intensify and then suddenly it was as if all the pain and discomfort he had been having just poured out through the bottom of his feet. That was it — the pain was gone and never returned. Ken had been having problems from damaged cartilage in his knees and now he no longer has knee problems.


January 24th, 2010

“I had whiplash, so I had limited range of motion and chronic pain. The first session I had…I was pain-free for the first time in a long, long time.”

Session Effects are Cumulative

January 23rd, 2010

What can I expect after a Healing Spectrums session?

You may notice specific benefits right away or in the few days after your session. The Healing Spectrums continue to function, well after completing a session, so your physiology will continue to use this healing energy in the most efficient way for its highest good. In fact, as more and more of the remnants of trauma (I call them “artifacts”) are released, you will begin to enjoy the results of an enhanced coherence within your physiology.

This coherence is the key to enlivening the natural healing processes inherently present within your body, strengthening your immune system and accelerating relief from pains, injury, and various illnesses. This not only results in improved physical and emotional health, but you may simultaneously begin to experience a more refined and expanded level of perception in various aspects of your life.

What is the value of receiving the private sessions?

Continue reading »

“Thank God I Died!”

January 21st, 2010

“Soon after being rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, I found myself in a losing battle for my life. Within moments of hearing the doctors declare to my father, ‘We’re sorry, we’ve done all we can. We’re not sure he’s going to make it,’ I began an amazing journey through and beyond the ‘Light’ to the underlying, eternal source of my own existence and that of all creation.

After finally returning to the world I had left behind, I had no memory of ever having been in a body before and no memory of the world around me. Not knowing who I was, where I was, or even what I was, I was left with only the memory of the incredible journey I had just taken and the truth of our eternal existence. And thus began yet another amazing journey…”

— Excerpt from the best selling book “Thank God I…”Vol.2

You can also hear the special extended audio version of this story. Click here for a preview of “Thank God I Died – An Extraordinary Story of Death, Life and Healing.”

Thomas is committed to enlivening the experience of unbounded consciousness in others and accelerating their natural physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. He shares the unique healing gifts and practical insights that came from his remarkable and extensive near-death journey through his presentations, workshops, training programs, and consultations.

Click here to learn more about how the Healing Spectrums for Health and Wholeness Programs and Workshops can help you to enjoy greater health, happiness, and wholeness in life.

Fractured Back

January 18th, 2010

“Last week my great aunt Maraly (2 months short of her 100th birthday) entered the hospital after weeks of terrible pain from what her doctors called a ‘fractured back’. A few days ago they operated on her to glue it back together but days later she was still in pain. She told a nephew she didn’t think she’d make it through the night on Sunday evening, as relatives gathered tensely by her side.

I spoke with Thomas that night & arranged for a series of treatments. Today I received a phone call reporting Maraly had awakened in good spirits, feeling much better, her vitals had all improved & her pains were less severe.

Thanks for your kind help Thomas.” — scott b, chicago

Thank you for the feedback, Scott, glad to hear Maraly is doing better!

“They Said I Would Go Deaf”

December 30th, 2009

“Doctors said if I got another ear infection, I could go deaf. Thomas treated me and I haven’t had one since.”  — Meara Oberdieck

Graduates Forum

December 21st, 2009

The first Wednesday of every month is reserved for those who have completed the Level-2 Healing Spectrums Training.  I host a conference call between 9:30 -10:30 pm Eastern time (8:30 pm Central| 6:30 pm Pacific). Contact us for more information, we look forward to you joining our lively conversation!

Personal Healing Sessions

December 16th, 2009

How a Healing Spectrums Session Works

The coherence created by the spectrums reduces the level of chaos in the physiology and uncovers the presence of subtle physical anomalies or “artifacts” within the body. These artifacts are not natural elements of the physiology but are the remnants of physical or emotional trauma. They often remain a subtle, yet powerful source for recurring pain, illness, discomfort, or emotional distress for many years.

As these artifacts are revealed and spontaneously released, the body’s natural intelligence and inherent healing processes are enlivened and healing occurs through the increased coherence within the physiology. Simultaneously, individuals experience a very deep state of silence followed by a more expanded, peaceful, and clear state of awareness.


Individuals have experienced rapid and significant improvement in a variety of physical and emotional discomforts such as:

  • Neck and Back Pain • Physical Injury • Tendonitis • Bursitis
  • Immune Deficiencies • Neurological Disorders • Digestive Disorders
  • Joint Inflammation • Osteoarthritis • Sciatica • Scoliosis
  • Migraine Headache • Thyroid Disorders
  • Emotional Distress • Bereavement • Sleep Disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Asthma • Bronchitis • Emphysema • Sinusitis
  • Post Surgical Pain and Recovery and more…

Personal Healing Spectrums Session with Follow-up Private Consultation

The individual Healing Spectrums sessions provide the opportunity to have one-on-one personal attention. With the greater coherence created by the spectrums, the body’s natural intelligence and inherent healing processes are greatly enlivened. Simultaneously, individuals experience a very deep state of silence followed by a more expanded, peaceful, and clear state of awareness.

Schedule personal sessions here.

Healing Spectrum sessions are not a substitute for required medical treatment.  It is always recommended to consult a Health Care Professional whenever there is serious injury or illness.

"The Next 2 Days Are Critical"

December 14th, 2009

About a week ago one of our Level-2 Training graduates emailed the other grads asking for some assistance with her injured neice:

“Hello everyone, My niece, Janelle, was hit by a car on Tuesday and sustained a severe head injury. She is, at present, in an induced coma, in an effort to help her brain recover. However, her brain is swelling and her parents have been told that the next 2 days are critical for her recovery.  I would appreciate any attention you can give her. I’m going to see if I can get a photo, but for now, I’ll just tell you that she is a 29 yr. old women in a Florida hospital. That’s all the info I have for the moment.  Any help at all will be very appreciated. Thanks for your time,  Kassia H.

A few days later Kassia sent this heartening note:

Dear Thomas, I just got off the phone and Janelle is stable today….that was very good news as the last few days have been touch and go. Her blood pressure and temperature are good and they are feeling optimistic that she made it to today; they are feeling she got over the hump. Makes me feel better.” — Kassia H, Fairfield, Ia.

“My Heel Spur is 99% Better”

December 5th, 2009

Thanks for the note Danielle, it’s gratifying to hear you are doing so well and that the spectrums have made a lasting difference in your life:

“Hi Thomas, I took your seminar at the Gateway (Tony’s) in Los Angeles, sometime over the summer. I missed your teleconference in September so please let me know next time you have one. I want to let you know that my heel spur is 99% better and that my sinuses have remained clear so far. I have not had any trouble breathing. I wanted to thank you again for all you did and wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your seminar and your company as well as Lynn’s.  Have a great holiday.  Love and harmony to both of you.” — Danielle D., Los Angeles, Ca.

"I Feel Benefits Right Away"

December 1st, 2009

Peaceful woman imageWhenever you feel yourself tensing up or even if you already feel stressed or in pain, just take a little quiet time to treat yourself and I’m sure you’ll notice the difference, as Donna from Cedar Rapids has:

“This is really great. I do lots of things like Qigong, Yoga, Pilates, and meditation and almost everything takes at least 30 minutes . What I like about the Healing Spectrums self-treatment is that it only takes me 5-10 minutes and I feel benefits right away.  On Saturday morning I got up at 5:00 and treated myself.  I had been having some pain here and there and it was just gone after the session. Afterwards, I felt so energized that I got up and did some yoga and took a 6 mile run and still felt great energy the rest of the day. I really like this!”  — Donna H, Cedar Rapids, IA

*Donna was on an onsite workshop but now I am offering my Level-1 Self-Treatment Training through an online course so that you can begin to enjoy the benefits of this simple technique.

"My Kids Even Commented"

December 1st, 2009

The holidays are a great time to celebrate with friends and loved ones. They also arrive with their own unique stresses, strains and mood swings. That’s why it’s good to practice your daily Healing Spectrums Self-Treatments.  Here is a quote from our friend Nancy who just completed my Level-1 Training (Self-Treatment) this weekend:

“After doing a session on Wednesday night, I got up early the next morning, feeling great, and had to start preparing everything for Thanksgiving guests.  Ordinarily I get very nervous, hyper and exhausted on Thanksgiving because it’s just so much work and I want everything to be just right for everyone. This time I felt really calm and enjoyed the whole process. I even finished everything early!  So this was really very different than usual.  My kids even commented on how calm and relaxed I was.  I’ll definitely be doing lots of self-treatments during the Christmas holidays.”  — Nancy G., Fairfield, Iowa

"When the Gold is There — Wow!"

November 29th, 2009

Thank you Risë K. from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for these comments, I really appreciate them and they also help others to realize how powerful this training can be.  Keep practicing the self-treatment method, your healing abilities accumulate the more consistently you use them.

“I had a fantastic time this past weekend. What an amazing gift of healing the Spectrums are. Thank you so much for offering this!

“On the last day of the workshop (Sunday) something “happened” inside of me that was profound. It was an experience of a new depth, perhaps like a wholeness I’ve never known, a wholeness that I recognized as my true nature, and I stayed there.

“Since then, I’ve been doing the Healing Spectrums self-treatment at least three times a day and my body is in a very restful space while I’m feeling and observing the experience.

“During the sessions, I noticed some shoulder and hip aches but they disappeared after the session and I don’t have any discomfort there now. I also perceived some subtle colors appearing during sessions—magenta, violet, and finally gold. When the gold is there—wow! It’s like nothing else. It’s like a rich, molten and deeply satisfying experience. A profound experience! When that happens, there is no more “me.” There are no boundaries, no time or space, no body, no personality—just a deep awareness. I am loving it!”  — Risë K, Cedar Rapids, IA

Group Healing Sessions

November 27th, 2009

How a Group Healing Spectrums Session Works

The coherence created by the spectrums reduces the level of chaos in the physiology and uncovers the presence of subtle physical anomalies or “artifacts” within the body. These artifacts are not natural elements of the physiology but are the remnants of physical or emotional trauma. They often remain a subtle, yet powerful source for recurring pain, illness, discomfort, or emotional distress for many years.

As these artifacts are revealed and spontaneously released, the body’s natural intelligence and inherent healing processes are enlivened and healing occurs through the increased coherence within the physiology. Simultaneously, individuals experience a very deep state of silence followed by a more expanded, peaceful, and clear state of awareness.


Individuals have experienced rapid and significant improvement in a variety of physical and emotional discomforts such as:

  • Neck and Back Pain • Physical Injury • Tendonitis • Bursitis
  • Immune Deficiencies • Neurological Disorders • Digestive Disorders
  • Joint Inflammation • Osteoarthritis • Sciatica • Scoliosis
  • Migraine Headache • Thyroid Disorders
  • Emotional Distress • Bereavement • Sleep Disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Asthma • Bronchitis • Emphysema • Sinusitis
  • Post Surgical Pain and Recovery and more…

Free Introductory Healing Spectrums Session with Follow-up Teleconference:

This 20-minute session with Thomas is the first step toward creating a powerful shift in the quality of your spiritual, emotional and physical life. It will enhance your body’s ability to access and spontaneously activate more of its inherent healing processes and begin to enliven this natural healing value within the physiology. Register for free Introductory Session here.

Weekly Remote Group Healing Spectrums Program

These one-hour “long-distance” sessions progressively release the deeper, oldest remnants of trauma and accelerate the body’s natural healing processes while reducing the physiology’s old “habit” to store the incoming stress and remnants of trauma. The coherence created during the Healing Spectrums sessions reduces the level of chaos in the physiology and uncovers the presence of subtle physical anomalies or “artifacts” within the body. As these artifacts are revealed and spontaneously released, the body’s natural intelligence and inherent healing processes are greatly accelerated. As this process evolves you may also begin to experience a more expanded sense of perception, mental clarity, peace of mind, improved physical and emotional well-being, and more joy in life.

So whether or not you have had a personal Healing Spectrums session before, these sessions provide a powerful way to naturally and spontaneously enhance the quality of your life in many areas, as reported by countless participants over the years.

Click here to schedule your personal or Group Healing Spectrums sessions with Thomas.

Healing Spectrum sessions are not a substitute for required medical treatment. It is always recommended to consult a Health Care Professional whenever there is serious injury or illness.

A Note from Last Week’s Winner

November 20th, 2009

Monica F. of Sao Paulo, Brazil won last week’s Healing Spectrums raffle and sent me back a nice note.  Thanks Monica, I appreciate it!

“I was the lucky winner for the Healing Spectrums Group Session Raffle this week, and it was a real gift of Nature. Tonight, at the set time I lay down on the couch and what followed was an immediate connection to a powerhouse of expansion. It was like being connected to a huge
transformer, the switch was immediately turned on.

“This was followed by a definite experience of both my upper arms – not so much the structural aspect of my arms but as a mass of compactified consciousness. This is interesting because I have lately been experiencing some weakness in that area.

“After that “arm awareness” there was a moment of some mental chaos, like a dream state where there were many images, voices, and a script which even though seemed linear, one scene had no connection to the next if viewed on its own. And then very naturally everything melted into one whole mass of existence with no boundaries, and for 40 minutes I ceased being aware of myself as an individual lying down. It was not deep sleep, it was not dream, it was not the feeling of “passing out”.  but I was “gone”.

“When I regained my body awareness, I felt a profound sense of rest and peaceful wakefulness. I remained lying down for a another 10 minutes or so, and then got up. This happened about an hour and a half ago. I feel light, awake but not wired, and my body feels rested, fluid, and happy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.”  — monica f., sao paulo, brazil


Enter this week’s raffle and find out more here.

Kidney Stones Disappear

November 14th, 2009

A man was admitted to the hospital with a severe kidney stone condition (nephrolithiasis). He was informed that the stones were much too large to pass so a procedure to break up the stones (lithotripsy) was scheduled for the next morning. The patient had a session with me the evening prior to the scheduled lithotripsy. Later, during the night and into the morning, his pain had disappeared and he felt much better.

He had not passed the stones so he asked for another test and no stones were detected. They simply were gone*. Later that day, he was released from the hospital and never had any kidney stone problems again.

* Please note that while the patient received no other medical treatment by the hospital staff–only the Healing Spectrums session was given prior to the scheduled procedure, we make no claims to have cured this medical condition. The Healing Spectrums session enlivens specific brainwave coherence that is known to activate and accelerate the body’s natural healing processes. 

Cartilage Damage

November 12th, 2009

Knee images“After my first session with Thomas the chronic pain in my knee (cartilage damage) was reduced by 85-90%, my knee completely stopped locking up, and the range of motion dramatically improved. After the second session the pain was completely gone and has not returned in the three years since my session!”

— Paulette B., Contractor

Debilitating Knee Pain

October 19th, 2009

“I had debilitating pain in both my knees before seeing Thomas. After his treatment the pain subsided and then disappeared. As a result, I also had greatly increased range of motion and flexibility like I had not experienced for many years, all without pain. I highly recommend his program for anyone who suffers any physical injury.” — Dr. Ken Horbacz, DN,ND, Chicago, IL

Frozen Shoulder Thaws

October 19th, 2009

A man came to me for a session reporting a “frozen shoulder” and its accompanying pain for the past 6 months. During that time he’d had regular physical therapy and chiropractic sessions 3 times a week, without much relief. He was also having difficulty sleeping through the night because of this pain.

He left town on a business trip immediately after the session and upon his return, reported that all the pain had gone and had not recurred during the two months since his session. He now enjoys normal sleep.

Contact Talk Radio Interview

October 6th, 2009

Thomas is interviewed by Joan Newcomb for Contact Talk Radio here.

Renal Failure Disappears

October 5th, 2009

Kidneys ImageOne of our Healing Spectrums graduates is friends with a retired physician in poor health who had been admitted to the hospital. Tests indicated he was suffering from renal failure. He was very weak, as well as depressed about his condition, so our graduate offered to give him a long-distance session.

A week after the session this graduate spoke with his friend again, who said that he felt much better during the session and continuing into the next day. His doctors subsequently decided to take further tests and found that he no longer had renal failure. Having been a doctor himself, he knew his initial symptoms had indicated this, so a third round of tests were ordered, which again confirmed he was free of kidney failure.

He left the hospital the next morning.


October 2nd, 2009

“I have had a history of debilitating migraine headaches for many years. I started to feel one coming on and decided to use a small amount of Thomas’ water on my head and was relieved to find that the head pressure didn’t escalate any further. Ordinarily, it would have turned into a full blown migraine. I don’t know how this really works but I’m glad it works for me.” — KF, Teacher, Alabama

Group Session

September 10th, 2009

“I recently attended a group Healing Spectrums session and all I can say is WOW! I felt an energy flowing all through my spine during the session (I had injured my back during a very bad fall several years earlier). I felt lots of lower back healing all week long after the session and a healing process beginning to bring changes on a fundamental level.” — JB, Chicago


September 3rd, 2009

My friend and colleague David Hawthorne, provides Vedic astrology counseling & education services at .

My friend Tony Camacho of The Gateway Portal provides acupuncture, hypnotherapy, nutrition and massage to help clients at his Los Angeles wellness center.

Many people have had near-death experiences, perhaps you’re one? Find out more about this fascinating frontier at International Association for Near-Death Studies.

My artist friend scott becker and I created the Personal & Group Healing Packages & Subscriptions, the Group Healing Sessions program, the Free Introductory Sessions, designed this Healing Spectrums website, cards and logo, developed the Healing Spectrums Water sessions and conceived the Healing Spectrums Online Method Trainings. Thank you man.


August 28th, 2009

Lung Image“For 40 years I had emphysema. After one group session with Thomas, my ability to breathe immediately improved quite significantly. About a month later my doctors were surprised that my lung capacity had dramatically increased and they could not explain why, as this condition is considered irreversible. I feel great and I’m enjoying life!” — Eileen C, Chicago

"My Throat Closed Down and I Could Hardly Speak"

August 27th, 2009

“I had a bad reaction from inadvertently breathing some vapors from the glue I was using to decorate a costume that I would be wearing in a play a couple of days later. My throat closed down and I could hardly speak. I felt terrible and had no energy. I couldn’t imagine how on earth I would be able to perform, as I had many speaking lines to perform. After a session with Thomas, I quickly regained my energy and I was able to perform without difficulty. This really saved the day for me! Thanks, Thomas.” — JB, Actor, Fairfield, IA

Carpel Tunnel

April 19th, 2009

“The numbness in both hands (Carpel Tunnel) has significantly reduced since my sessions. I also have a deep sense of peace and well being that I have never known before.” — Cindy T, Lab Tech, Iowa

Spectrums Water

April 9th, 2009

“For some time I had tightness and pain in my shoulders and neck. I used some of the water Thomas had treated on these areas and was pleasantly surprised to find that the pain quickly went away Now I use the water whenever I feel any tension coming on and I rarely ever have any pain there anymore.”

— SW, Therapist, Iowa City, IA

Distant Group Sessions

March 29th, 2009

After some time I discovered I could send healing spectrums not just to individuals in person and remotely, but over great distances privately and to groups of people, anywhere in the world.

I now send Healing Spectrums Group Sessions twice weekly to a growing group of international participants.  Read more here, sign in for a free session with follow-up teleconference, or sign on and join us!

Here’s a note from some friends in Arizona, enjoying the benefits:

“During our travels while talking and working, we can feel the session start and we’re aware that it’s working its magic.”– Bill and Athena, AZ

The Healing Spectrums Begin

March 16th, 2009

After my Near Death Experience I began to perceive this golden light within my own physiology and this seemed to unlock something within me that allowed me to see into other people’s physiology.

Simply by being present to this light, I could hold my hand over a person, without ever touching them, and enliven their own natural healing process.  I could see various spectrums of light, including gold light, so I decided to call this “Healing Spectrums for Health and Wholeness.”

"Thomas Is an Exceptional Speaker"

March 9th, 2009

Bodhi 2_0001 001“Thomas is an exceptional speaker with an extraordinary message. His profound story brings a deep sense of peace and an understanding of the eternal connection that we all have to one another.” — Loni Parrott, International Association for Near-Death Studies

Ankle Injury Resolved

March 2nd, 2009

“I had just injured my ankle and was limping badly. After one session with Thomas I stood up and walked with no pain whatsoever. I never had a problem with it again.” — Melinda W, Consultant, Texas

Healing Spectrums Sessions for Business

March 1st, 2009

Business Sample PicThomas treats business meetings, interviews, conferences, workshops, lectures, trade shows, travel of every sort (rapid recovery from jet-lag)  and all important events.

The Healing Spectrums for Health and Wholeness™ sessions and training programs also work very well to ease daily corporate stresses and spontaneously improve workplace interpersonal relations, which will lead to increased clarity, creativity and productivity. Also, since the Healing Spectrums sessions naturally enhance the functioning of the  immune system,  there can be a reduction in absences due to common illnesses.

So if you have a critical client or contract negotiation,  a venture capital meeting,  or feel that you could benefit from the increased coherence the Healing Spectrums Sessions can bring to your business environment, or for more information on how to schedule a business  Healing Spectrums session, please contact us below.

Send us your  experiences and results with Thomas’ Healing Spectrums sessions; sign up for news, events, workshops, special offers & training programs; or ask Thomas a question in the field below.

[si-contact-form form=’1′]

    My Book Is (Almost) Here!

    Read the full story of how Thomas died in a hospital room when he was 22, the amazing events he experienced beyond his body, his miraculous return to life and from that day, the development of his healing gifts. Follow our book launch here, and get a sample Healing Spectrums Session and Coherence Activation when you sign up for the free Healing Spectrums Newsletter. Please use real names in order for us to fulfill our offers.

    Learn to activate you body's natural healing abilities.

    "Doctors said if I got another ear infection, I could go deaf. Thomas treated me and I haven't had one since."
    -- Meara Oberdieck

    Free Sample Session!

    News & Updates


    ........ ........ ........
    "I had a bad reaction from inadvertently breathing some vapors from the glue I was using to decorate a costume that I would be wearing in a play a couple of days later. My throat closed down and I could hardly speak. I felt terrible and had no energy. I couldn't imagine how on earth I would be able to perform, as I had many speaking lines to perform. After a session with Thomas, I quickly regained my energy and I was able to perform without difficulty. This really saved the day for me! Thanks, Thomas." -- JB, Actor, Fairfield, IA
    "I had chronic ankle pain due to working in an auto manufacturing plant and walking on concrete for most of my life. After a long-distance session, that actually took place while I was asleep, I woke up and had no pain in my ankles or anywhere else, for that matter. And, I was able to enjoy working outdoors all morning with my brother--all without a lick of pain. This really works." -- CF, Mechanic, Lexington, MO
    "I had a constant buzzing and ringing in my right ear that was driving me crazy. I always had to have a TV or radio on during the day and sleep with a fan on to mask the constant internal noise. I tried supplements that didn’t help and then visited an ENT physician and they really had no solution. Well, apparently our sessions have definitely had an impact. The buzzing has completely subsided and I only occasionally hear any ringing. This is such an amazing relief that it’s hard to express. Thanks again for your continued help and support, I couldn’t recommend the sessions highly enough. -- Best Regards, Tom R, Chicago
    (Thomas): During the group session, it became clear to me that there was some deep distress in Ken’s knees where I noticed the brilliant blue spectrums beginning to appear. During the session Ken said that he had briefly felt the pain in his knees intensify and then suddenly it was as if all the pain and discomfort he had been having just poured out through the bottom of his feet. That was it -- the pain was gone and never came back.
    "The self-treatments have helped me in healing some physical issues and I'm sleeping better than ever. I've also been trained by Thomas to use the Healing Spectrums in my work as a counselor and I seem to be able to 'tune in' more quickly to the core issues of my clients. This is really valuable to both me and my clients." -- Cheryl Bailey, Counselor, IA
    “I had chronic ankle pain due to working in an auto manufacturing plant and walking on concrete for most of my life. After a long-distance session that actually took place while I was asleep, I woke up and had no pain in my ankles, or anywhere else for that matter. And I was able to enjoy working outdoors all morning with my brother — this really works.” –CF, Mechanic, Lexington, MO
    "Before the course, I was only sleeping for 2-3 hours a night, but since Thomas' course I'm sleeping unbelievably better! 8-9 hours every night. This technique is a true blessing." - Katherine, Counselor/Coach, NY
    “I have been very impressed by the strength of the energy when doing the self-treatments. Last night I was surprised how quickly I went from feeling restless to very relaxed with a short session. Thanks so much!” — Jill
    “After our session on Thursday I felt a smooth, blissful feeling for the next few hours. In general I continue to feel more settled, grounded and calm and I’m sleeping very deeply now.” — Mary
    .. ... ..

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