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From Our Blog:
An Anti-Cancer Diet?
Over the last 12 years of using my Healing Spectrums for Health and Wholeness Method, I have had countless sessions and consultations with individuals who have faced various types of health issues–including many of the more serious physical and emotional illnesses. While I am not a doctor and I make no claims to “cure” anything, this […]
Global Coherence Session Update
Join us this Sunday March 13th at 2:00 – 2:30 PM Central as we come together in our intentions for greater coherence in the Middle-East. We will also include our intentions for the safety and recovery of the people of Japan, following the recent catastrophic events there. Many of the Healing Spectrums for Health and […]
Does the Past Really Exist?
My response to an article by Robert Lanza, M.D. posted on Huffington Post: August 18, 2010: It seems most logical that one’s past can and will change as one’s present experiences change moment by moment, bringing new perception along with new information that was not known or experienced in the past. Therefore, the past can never be fully […]
"I had just injured my ankle and was limping badly. After one session with Thomas I stood up and walked with no pain whatsoever. I never had a problem with it again." -- Melinda W, Consultant, Texas
“After my first session with Thomas the chronic pain in my knee (cartilage damage) was reduced by 85-90% and the range of motion dramatically improved. After the second session the pain was completely gone and has not returned in 6 months.” -- Paulette B, Builder, Illinois
"The numbness in both hands (Carpel Tunnel) has significantly reduced since my sessions. I also have a deep sense of peace and well being that I have never known before." -- Cindy T, Lab Tech, Iowa
"For 40 years I had emphysema. After one group session with Thomas, my ability to breathe immediately improved quite significantly. About a month later my doctors were surprised that my lung capacity had dramatically increased and they could not explain why, as this condition is considered irreversible. I feel great and I'm enjoying life!" -- Eileen C, Chicago
"My back had gotten so painful that I could only sit for 20 minutes before having to get up, lie on the floor, and stretch it out. Then I could go for another 20 minutes. After my session I felt something shift in my back and I completely forgot that I had had any pain at all. I sat for at least another 8 hours working without any back pain or stiffness at all!" -- Walt I, Business Owner, Chicago
"I had debilitating pain in both my knees before seeing Thomas. After his treatment the pain subsided and then disappeared. As a result, I also had greatly increased range of motion and flexibility like I had not experienced for many years, all without pain. I highly recommend his program for anyone who suffers any physical injury." -- Dr. Ken Horbacz, DN,ND, Chicago, IL
“Since beginning the group sessions and the self-treatment course I’ve noticed that I am more patient and more present. I feel an increased sense of well-being in body and mind, my sensory perceptions are clearer and more pleasing and my sleep is deeper.” – Richard
"I recently attended a group Healing Spectrums session and all I can say is WOW! I felt an energy flowing all through my spine during the session (I had injured my back during a very bad fall several years earlier). I felt lots of lower back healing all week long after the session and a healing process beginning to bring changes on a fundamental level." -- JB, Chicago
"For some time I had tightness and pain in my shoulders and neck. I used some of the water Thomas had treated on these areas and was pleasantly surprised to find that the pain quickly went away Now I use the water whenever I feel any tension coming on and I rarely ever have any pain there anymore." -- SW, Therapist, Iowa City, IA
"I feel the knowledge and experience I've gained from Thomas' workshops have given me the ability to significantly help transform people's lives and health. I am amazed at what can happen, even in a short 1/2 hour session." -- Ron Schmitz, IA
"I had re-aggravated a knee injury from playing basketball the day before Thomas' group session. The knee was swollen and I had to limp when I walked. During the session, I could feel some sensations in the knee and felt the pain steadily easing. After the session the swelling had actually almost disappeared and I could walk with out pain. Even my mom was surprised when she looked at my knee and saw what had happened. I don't know how it happened but I was happy that it did! Thanks again, Thomas!" -- RM, Student, Athlete, Chicago
"I have had a history of debilitating migraine headaches for many years. I started to feel one coming on and decided to use a small amount of Thomas' water on my head and was relieved to find that the head pressure didn't escalate any further. Ordinarily, it would have turned into a full blown migraine. I don't know how this really works but I'm glad it works for me." -- KF, Teacher, Alabama