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From Our Blog:
Advanced Healing Facilitator Training
Level-2 Training On-Site (Live) Learn to Treat Others* Next Workshop: Contact us for the next “on-site” training workshop or to schedule a “1 on 1” personal training Course Fee:$245*(Register here) Contact us for additional course details and other information regarding travel to Fairfield, local accommodations, restaurants or other information about our amazing community: Enter “L2” in subject line. […]
Special Fairfield 2 Day Self-Treatment Workshop
You can easily access and enliven your body’s natural healing processes through this special Fairfield, IA Level-1 On-site Healing Spectrums Self-Treatment Training Saturday & Sunday, February 23rd and 24th, 2013 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (US Central) Fairfield, IA Registration $195 As an On-Site Level-1 participant, you will also receive 1 Month of the weekly (2 […]
NDE and Healing: Interview with Thomas
Hear a special interview about my Near Death Experience, healing, and more. Friday, March 29th at 5:30 pm CDT on Illuminations on Blog Talk Radio with Tamara Westwood Food for the Body, Mind & Soul Illuminations Radio is dedicated to inspire its audience to reach full potential in every aspect of life – through […]
"I had just injured my ankle and was limping badly. After one session with Thomas I stood up and walked with no pain whatsoever. I never had a problem with it again." -- Melinda W, Consultant, Texas
“After my first session with Thomas the chronic pain in my knee (cartilage damage) was reduced by 85-90% and the range of motion dramatically improved. After the second session the pain was completely gone and has not returned in 6 months.” -- Paulette B, Builder, Illinois
"The numbness in both hands (Carpel Tunnel) has significantly reduced since my sessions. I also have a deep sense of peace and well being that I have never known before." -- Cindy T, Lab Tech, Iowa
"For 40 years I had emphysema. After one group session with Thomas, my ability to breathe immediately improved quite significantly. About a month later my doctors were surprised that my lung capacity had dramatically increased and they could not explain why, as this condition is considered irreversible. I feel great and I'm enjoying life!" -- Eileen C, Chicago
"My back had gotten so painful that I could only sit for 20 minutes before having to get up, lie on the floor, and stretch it out. Then I could go for another 20 minutes. After my session I felt something shift in my back and I completely forgot that I had had any pain at all. I sat for at least another 8 hours working without any back pain or stiffness at all!" -- Walt I, Business Owner, Chicago
"I had debilitating pain in both my knees before seeing Thomas. After his treatment the pain subsided and then disappeared. As a result, I also had greatly increased range of motion and flexibility like I had not experienced for many years, all without pain. I highly recommend his program for anyone who suffers any physical injury." -- Dr. Ken Horbacz, DN,ND, Chicago, IL
“Since beginning the group sessions and the self-treatment course I’ve noticed that I am more patient and more present. I feel an increased sense of well-being in body and mind, my sensory perceptions are clearer and more pleasing and my sleep is deeper.” – Richard
"I recently attended a group Healing Spectrums session and all I can say is WOW! I felt an energy flowing all through my spine during the session (I had injured my back during a very bad fall several years earlier). I felt lots of lower back healing all week long after the session and a healing process beginning to bring changes on a fundamental level." -- JB, Chicago
"For some time I had tightness and pain in my shoulders and neck. I used some of the water Thomas had treated on these areas and was pleasantly surprised to find that the pain quickly went away Now I use the water whenever I feel any tension coming on and I rarely ever have any pain there anymore." -- SW, Therapist, Iowa City, IA
"I feel the knowledge and experience I've gained from Thomas' workshops have given me the ability to significantly help transform people's lives and health. I am amazed at what can happen, even in a short 1/2 hour session." -- Ron Schmitz, IA
"I had re-aggravated a knee injury from playing basketball the day before Thomas' group session. The knee was swollen and I had to limp when I walked. During the session, I could feel some sensations in the knee and felt the pain steadily easing. After the session the swelling had actually almost disappeared and I could walk with out pain. Even my mom was surprised when she looked at my knee and saw what had happened. I don't know how it happened but I was happy that it did! Thanks again, Thomas!" -- RM, Student, Athlete, Chicago
"I have had a history of debilitating migraine headaches for many years. I started to feel one coming on and decided to use a small amount of Thomas' water on my head and was relieved to find that the head pressure didn't escalate any further. Ordinarily, it would have turned into a full blown migraine. I don't know how this really works but I'm glad it works for me." -- KF, Teacher, Alabama