An Emerging Paradigm Shift in the Time of Crisis

January 12th, 2025

An Emerging Paradigm Shift in the Time of Crisis
Embracing the Challenges of Human Evolution

We are obviously in a time of great change. And along with that change comes a heightened degree of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Fear for the health and well-being of our friends, loved ones, and for ourselves. Fear of the loss of our financial foundation, uncertainty about the direction of our democracy, and more. Many have concerns that things may never be the same again.

Evolutionary Change

While most of us realize that change is the necessary mechanism that gives rise to human evolution, and we often say we want change for the better, we also often resist that very change when it begins to manifest, especially, in sudden undeniably uncomfortable moments in time. We tend to prefer that change comes about on our own more comfortable timeline. We can become so familiar with our current paradigm, even when we have a growing sense that it is becoming more and more untenable to sustain in the long run, that we sometimes are reluctant to let it go and embrace the unknown paradigm that is inexorably pressing up against the old one.

Creation – Maintenance – Destruction

There is a concept in Vedic Science which describes these three constant cycles supporting the evolutionary balance of existence.

We collectively create certain paradigms we live within and attempt to maintain them until they begin to give way to new paradigms, leaving behind the old and, ideally, embracing the new ones that emerge. That destruction cycle is where things appear to be in a state of chaos and that’s when things can get quite uncomfortable, depending on how much we resist change and cling to the old paradigm. The tighter we cling, the more we suffer. However, that chaos is the precursor to new thought, ideals, new creation. This is the cycle of existence that has functioned since the beginning of all time. 

Lessons of Mother Nature

In my early childhood years, I was surrounded by the vast beauty of the Southern countryside. I spent many hours wandering about the woods and hillsides, quietly observing the natural flow of nature. It quickly became apparent to me that there was an underlying consistency in the cycles of creation. Seasons would come and go. Spring eventually gave way to summer and summer to fall, fall to winter, only to begin the cycle all over again. There was no resistance to that natural seasonal change that would ultimately lead to renewal. 

I learned that what appeared at times to be destruction was really the precursor to renewed creation—new plants and trees sprang forth where there seemed to be none before. Even a plant growing from the carcass of a deceased animal. What appeared to be death on one hand led to life on another. A never-ending cycle of Creation – Maintenance – Destruction, over and over…

Changes Ahead

As we are confronted with our current crises and challenges to our physical and emotional health and well-being, economic uncertainty and, of course, our constitutional democracy, it is quite natural that we may feel overwhelmed by the massive impact on our lives and the inevitable and unforeseen paradigm changes it is sure to bring. It will require a lot of trust in the underlying evolutionary process of change we find ourselves in.

 As hard as it may seem to accept, it will ultimately lead to a new way of thinking, behaving, and relating to one another moving forward. This crisis brings us an opportunity to heal our wounds and seek to embrace the underlying connectedness we all share with one another.

We are beginning to have glimpses of the collective consciousness coalescing. We are already seeing that underneath the perceived chaos, there are those who have a higher vision of what we potentially can become. A more loving and compassionate society. It is inevitable even though it may be very difficult to see, to see beyond our fears.

It is easy to become overwhelmed in times when we feel threatened by negative influences all around us. But with an understanding that the design of the creation is to evolve, to grow, to expand, then we may find some sense of faith that we are in the midst of a massive paradigm change that will ultimately be more in alignment with that underlying design and force of evolution.

Now is the time to embrace the power of our collective consciousness to envision and create a new paradigm for the betterment of all. It is our true birthright!

 Read Thomas’ full blog post on The Art of Gracefully Embracing Life’s Paradigm Shift here 

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    "I had a bad reaction from inadvertently breathing some vapors from the glue I was using to decorate a costume that I would be wearing in a play a couple of days later. My throat closed down and I could hardly speak. I felt terrible and had no energy. I couldn't imagine how on earth I would be able to perform, as I had many speaking lines to perform. After a session with Thomas, I quickly regained my energy and I was able to perform without difficulty. This really saved the day for me! Thanks, Thomas." -- JB, Actor, Fairfield, IA
    "I had chronic ankle pain due to working in an auto manufacturing plant and walking on concrete for most of my life. After a long-distance session, that actually took place while I was asleep, I woke up and had no pain in my ankles or anywhere else, for that matter. And, I was able to enjoy working outdoors all morning with my brother--all without a lick of pain. This really works." -- CF, Mechanic, Lexington, MO
    "I had a constant buzzing and ringing in my right ear that was driving me crazy. I always had to have a TV or radio on during the day and sleep with a fan on to mask the constant internal noise. I tried supplements that didn’t help and then visited an ENT physician and they really had no solution. Well, apparently our sessions have definitely had an impact. The buzzing has completely subsided and I only occasionally hear any ringing. This is such an amazing relief that it’s hard to express. Thanks again for your continued help and support, I couldn’t recommend the sessions highly enough. -- Best Regards, Tom R, Chicago
    (Thomas): During the group session, it became clear to me that there was some deep distress in Ken’s knees where I noticed the brilliant blue spectrums beginning to appear. During the session Ken said that he had briefly felt the pain in his knees intensify and then suddenly it was as if all the pain and discomfort he had been having just poured out through the bottom of his feet. That was it -- the pain was gone and never came back.
    "The self-treatments have helped me in healing some physical issues and I'm sleeping better than ever. I've also been trained by Thomas to use the Healing Spectrums in my work as a counselor and I seem to be able to 'tune in' more quickly to the core issues of my clients. This is really valuable to both me and my clients." -- Cheryl Bailey, Counselor, IA
    “I had chronic ankle pain due to working in an auto manufacturing plant and walking on concrete for most of my life. After a long-distance session that actually took place while I was asleep, I woke up and had no pain in my ankles, or anywhere else for that matter. And I was able to enjoy working outdoors all morning with my brother — this really works.” –CF, Mechanic, Lexington, MO
    "Before the course, I was only sleeping for 2-3 hours a night, but since Thomas' course I'm sleeping unbelievably better! 8-9 hours every night. This technique is a true blessing." - Katherine, Counselor/Coach, NY
    “I have been very impressed by the strength of the energy when doing the self-treatments. Last night I was surprised how quickly I went from feeling restless to very relaxed with a short session. Thanks so much!” — Jill
    “After our session on Thursday I felt a smooth, blissful feeling for the next few hours. In general I continue to feel more settled, grounded and calm and I’m sleeping very deeply now.” — Mary
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